Our Programs
Families with young children are invited to join us for a light supper, followed by music. A Registered Music Therapist will lead singing with action songs and activities. Music on Mondays usually runs on the first Monday of the month from 6:15 pm – 7:00 pm, at Christine Sinclair Centre in Burnaby. The date may vary depending on statutory holidays. There is no cost for Music on Mondays. This is a free program to promote inclusion and a love of music.
To learn more about the program, please email Susan Kwan at susanstkwan@gmail.com
Chinese Parent Support Group
Please feel welcome to join this family networking group. The group meets on-line using Zoom. Meetings often feature speakers with expertise that would be of interest to the community. The group meets every month (except July, August and December), typically on the first Saturday of the month. This may vary depending on statutory holidays and speaker availability. Facilitator John Tsang is very knowledgeable and welcoming. He is also the parent of a young man with autism. To join the group, please e-mail John at john_tsang2000@yahoo.ca
BACI Family Support consultants are available to meet with families. This program is free and does not need a referral. Our consultants have up-to-date information about programs and resources as well as advocacy tips. Topics families often seek more information about are:
Future Planning such as Wills, Enduring Power of Attorney, Representation Agreements
Financial Planning such as Registered Disability Savings Plans, Tax and tax deductions, Trusts
Government Programs such as Persons with Disability Benefits, Community Living BC, HandyDART
BACI’s Advocacy Committee works to make Burnaby and British Columbia more accessible and inclusive. The focus is on sharing information and working collaboratively with organizations such as TransLink and the City of Burnaby. This committee meets monthly from September to June. Currently, meetings are being held on Zoom. New members are always welcome.